Monday, October 24, 2016

True and cute love story

Once there was a girl staying in a small village. She is a school teacher. Once her sister’s marriage fixed and she went to her sister’s engaged party. In the mean time she met a boy and he is known to her sister’s husband. The boy asked her excuse me; can you show me your mother please? She took him to her mother and her mother and that boy had some conversation. After some moment she feel something and she started liked him. The party was over and they went their own destination.

The boy also falls in love with that girl in her first look. He got the girls phone number from his friend. One day he proposed her and the girl said please give some time to think about this, because my sister’s marriage will be held on soon. Ok take your own time I am waiting for you said the boy. The girl said to her sister about this everything. Her sister said doesn’t fall in love with that boy. But the girl likes him, so she accepts him without her sister’s knowledge. This proposal goes for marriage. But the girl’s family didn’t agree with this proposal. But they were happy each other. One day everything collapsed. The girl was suffering from typhoid and she lost her hair. In the mean time she got some skin infection. She was taking much medicine and also treated by the Ayurvedic medicine. There was no result for hair. But she got her glowing skin.
In the mean time the girl’s family brought so many marriage proposals for her. The girl said no I don’t want to marry now. I want to study. She said lie to her family because she loves him so much and waiting for his job. She told her boy friend everything. The boy said don’t worry I am always with you. I will marry you soon. They continue each other some days. But after some days the boy started avoiding her and not even attend her call, didn’t even send a reply to her sms. The girl wants to meet him for the last time but he didn’t. The girl cried a lot. She is still waiting for him. But the boy goes away from her and never come back.

Moral: We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. It’s true that the perfect lover isn’t out there; it’s about creating the perfect love with the person that you care about most. The belief that someone is out there that is perfect for you is based on a false premise. You are the creator of your world, so you don’t need to seek them out, you are creating things in your own reality, and that is true about the love of your life just as much as anything else. So get busy today creating the perfect love in your life. Don’t wait for the one who gives you false promise.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Cute Short Blind Love Story

There was a blind girl who was filled with animosity and despised the world. She didn’t have many friends, just a boyfriend who loved her deeply, like no one else. The girl never saw her boy friend. She always used to say that she’d marry him if she could see him. Suddenly, one day someone donated her pair of eyes.
And she was fully cured from blindness. And that’s when she finally saw her boyfriend. She was astonished to see that her boyfriend was blind. He told her, “You can see me now, can we get married?” She replied what to do? We’d never be happy. I have my eye sight now, but you’re still blind. It won’t work out. I am really sorry.” I can’t marry you.
With a tear in his eye and a smile on his face, he meekly said, “I understand. I just want you to always be happy. Take care of yourself, and my eyes too.” I love you so much.

Friday, September 2, 2016


Image result for birthdayNAWATAKIA BIRTHDAY NJEMA.

Cute romantic bedtime stories

Once a boy went to a party with his girlfriend. 
After they came back. On the way 
Boy: You are really beautiful today.
Girl: Ok. I am not pretty.
Boy: No you are not..
Girl: But Ayush told me I am hot. Am I not?
Boy: No you are not.
Girl: My friends told me that I am gorgeous. Am I not?
Boy: No you are not. 
Girl: Started to cry
Boy: You know..
When a boy calls you hot,
they look at your body.
When a boy calls you pretty,
they look at your face.
When a boy calls you gorgeous,
they look at your clothes.
But when they call you beautiful;
they see everything.
Girl: I am really sorry. I love you so much.
Boy: I love you too...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Orodha ya Wanafunzi Waliochaguliwa Kujiunga na Kidato cha tano Awamu ya pili

Ofisi ya Rais -TAMISEMI inatangaza majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa kujiunga na Kidato cha Tano awamu ya Pili (Second Selection) kwa mwaka 2016. 

Jumla ya wanafunzi 3,918 wakiwemo wasichana 2,413 na wavulana 1,505 wamechaguliwa kujiunga na Kidato cha Tano awamu ya pili kwa ajili ya kujaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi na wanafunzi ambao hawakuripoti awamu ya kwanza.
Kati ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa 1,864 wakiwemo wasichana 1,099 na wavulana 765 sawa na asilimia 47.58 watajiunga na masomo ya Sayansi na Hisabati; na wanafunzi 2,054 wakiwemo wasichana 1,314 na wavulana 740 sawa na asilimia 52.42 wamechaguliwa kusoma masomo ya Sanaa na Biashara.
Wanafunzi waliochaguliwa kujiunga na Kidato cha Tano awamu ya pili mwaka 2015 wanatakiwa kuripoti katika shule walizopangwa kwa wakati. Endapo mwanafunzi atachelewa kuripoti kwa zaidi ya siku 14 kuanzia tarehe ya tangazo hili atakuwa amepoteza nafasi hii.
Orodha ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa kujiunga na Kidato cha Tano awamu ya pili mwaka 2016 inapatikana kwenye tovuti ya OR-TAMISEMI ya 

Imetolewa na Katibu Mkuu,

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Short Cute Love Story .

Once there was a boy fall in love with a girl.

He came to that girl and asked her do you love me?
Girl: I don't. I am also unknown to you. 
Boy: But I know you and I love you so much. 
Girl: I don't believe that you are in love with me.
Boy: I promise to you that I am in love with you. 
Girl: Don't said lie to me. Because I know boys are saying like that always. 
Boy: Trust me I promise to you I am in love with you,
 and The next girl I will ever love on earth will be our daughter'.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A love story.

BOY: I need someone 
to talk ..
Girl: I am always here

for you.
BOY: I know.
Girl: Whats wrong?
BOY: I like her so much..
Girl: Talk tu her..
BOY: I don't know..
she'll never like me.
Girl: Don't say that.
You are amazing.
BOY: I just wanna tell her how I feel ..
Girl: Then tell her.
BOY: She wont like me.
Girl: How do you know that?
BOY: I can just tell.
Girl: Well just tell her.
BOY: What should I say?
Girl: Tell her how much you like her.
BOY: I tell her that daily.
Girl: What you mean?
BOY: I am always with her. I love her.
Girl: I know how you
feel. I have the same
problem. But he'll never like me.
BOY: Wait. Who do you like?
Girl: Ooh some Boy..
BOY: Ooh she wont
like me either.
Girl: She does.
BOY: How do you know..?
Girl: Because who wouldn't like you?
BOY: You..
Girl: You are wrong. I love you.
BOY: I love you too.
Girl: .. so are you going to talk to her?
BOY: I just did

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Hamu Ya Kufanya  Mapenzi
Tatizo la kukosa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi au kukosa nyege kwa lugha ya mitaani huwatokea zaidi wanawake kuliko wanaume lakini ni wanaume wanaokerwa zaidi na tatizo hili kulio wanawake. Wakati ambapo ni asilimia 15 hadi 16 ya wanaume wenye tatizo hili, idadi ya wanawake ni mara mbili ya hii ya wanaume. Lakini wakati ni asilimia 23 ya wanaume wanaonyesha kuridhika kuishi na tatizo hili, asilimia 46 ya wanawake wapo radhi kabisa kuendelea kuishi na tatizo hili.
Si lazima kuendelea kuishi na tatizo la kukosa hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa kwa sababu kuna mambo mengi unayoweza kuyafanya ili kuondokana na hili tatizo.
Hali ya kupenda kufanya mapenzi au tendo la ndoa kwa mwanamke inabadilikabadilika sana ikipanda na kushuka kulingana na matukio mbalibali yanayomtokea katika maisha yake. Baadhi ya matukio yanayoathiri hamu ya mwanamke kufanya mapenzi ni pamoja na kuanza na kwisha kwa mahusiano ya kimapenzi na mwanamme, kupata ujauzito, na magonjwa. Kama wewe mwanamke umepatwa na ha hii unaweza kukabiliana nayo kwa kubalisha jinsi unavyoishi, kufanya mambo kadhaa yatakayo badilisha hali hii au kutumia baadhi ya dawa zinazosaidia kuondoa tatizo hili.

Jee, Utajuaje kama Una Tatizo?

Kuna vitu vingi ukiviona vinakutokea, ujue una tatizo hili la kukosa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi.Tulivijadili viashiria hivi kwa kina tulipozungumzia tatizo hili la kukosa hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa kwa wanaume. Unaweza kusoma tulivyojadili kwa kusoma ukurasa huu “Mwanamme Kukosa Hamu Ya Kufanya Tendo La Ndoa.”
kukosa nyege

Sababu Za Kukosa Hamu Ya Kufanya Tendo La Ndoa

Sababu zinazoweza kupelekea mwanamke kukosa hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa ni nyingi lakini kwa ujumla karibu zote tunaweza kuzigawanya katika makundi manne:
1. Mahusiano Baina Ya Mwanamke Na Mwanamme                                     Kwa wanawake walio wengi ukaribu wa kihisia ndicho kitu cha kwanza katika kujenga mapenzi kati yake na mwanamme. Hivyo, mahusiano mabovu yaweza kuwa ndicho chanzo cha kukosa hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa kwa mwanamke. Mwanamke atakosa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi endapo hakutokuwa na mawasiliano baina yake na mumewe, kutakuwa na migogoro kati yake na mumewe isiyokwisha, kutakuwa na ukosefu wa mawasiliano kuhusu mahitaji yake ya kufanya mapenzi na jinsi ambavyo yeye angependa kufanyiwa kimapenzi na kama atahisi kuna ukosefu wa uaminifu katika ndoa au mahusiano yao.
2. Matatizo Katika Maisha Yako                                                                                Matatizo mbalimbali katika maisha ya mwanamke humsababishia kukosa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi. Baadhi ya matatizo ambayo huweza kusababisha mwanamke kukosa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi ni pamoja na magonjwa, mabadiliko katika mwili wake na hata matumizi ya baadhi ya madawa:
Matatizo Katika Kufanya Tendo La ndoa. Kama mwanamke anapata maumivu wakati wa kufanya tendo la ndoa au kama mwanamke anakosa kufika kileleni, hali hii inaweza kusababisha akakosa kabisa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi.
Matatizo ya afya. Magonjwa mengi husababisha mwanamke akose hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa. Baadhi ya magonjwa ni maumivu ya viungo vya mifupa (arthritis), kansa, ugonjwa wa kisukari, high blood pressure, matatizo katika mishipa ya damu ya arteri na matatizo ya akili.
Matumizi ya madawa. Baadhi ya madawa yakitumiwa, huondoa kabisa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi kwa mwanamke. Mfano wa dawa hizo ni madawa ya kukabiliana na msongo wa mawazo.
Mtindo wa maisha. Matumizi ya pombe kuzidi kiwango, uvutaji wa sigara na madawa ya kulevya huathiri hamu ya kufanya mapenzi.
Upasuaji. Upasuaji uliofanyika katika maeneo ya maziwa au katika maeneno ya viungo vya uzazi humbadilishia mwanamke mwonekano wake, huathiri ufanyaji kazi wa viungo hivyo na mwisho kuathiri hamu yake ya kufanya mapenzi.
Uchovu. Uchovu unaotokana na kulea watoto wadogo au vikongwe huweza kuathiri hamu ya mwanamke ya kufanya mapenzi.
3. Mabadiliko Katika Mfumo Wa HomoniKukoma Hedhi.Mabadilko ya viwango vya homoni katika mwili wa mwanamke yanaweza kusababisha kukosa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi kwa mwanamke. Kupungua kwa Estrogen katika mwili wa mwanamke katika kipindi cha kuelekea kukoma hedhi kunaweza kusababisha ukosefu wa hamu ya kufanya mapenzi. Upungufu wa homoni hiyo husababisha uyabisi wa wa viungo vya sehemu nyeti na kusababisha maumivu wakati wa kufanya tendo la ndoa.
Mwanamke pia huweza kuwa na upungufu wa homoni ya testosterone, homoni ambayo husaidia kuongeza hamu ya kufanya mapenzi kwa wanaume na wanawake, hivyo mwanamke huyo akapungukiwa na hamu ya kufanya mapenzi.
Pamoja na kuwa wanawake wengi huendelea kupata hamu ya kufanya mapenzi baada ya kukoma hedhi, baadhi kupungukiwa na hamu hiyo baada ya mabadiliko haya ya viwango vya homoni katika miili yao.
Ujauzito na kunyonyesha. Mabadiliko katika mfumo wa homoni wakati wa ujauzito, baada ya kujifungua na wakati wa kunyonyesha huweza kusababisha mwanamke kukos hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa.
4. Matatizo Ya Kisaikolojia                                                                                             Matatizo ya kisaikolojia yana mchango katika kumfanya mwanamke akose hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa. Baadhi ya mtatatizo hayo ni:
  •  Waswasi na kuwa na msongo wa mawazo
  •  Kuwa na mawazo mengi kuhusu matatizo ya kifedha au kikazi
  •  Kuhisi kutothaminiwa katika jamii
  •  Kuwa na historia ya kunyanyaswa kimwili au kijinsia kama kupigwa   au kubakwa
  •  Kuwa na historia mbaya ya kimapenzi
    kukosa hamu ya mapenzi

    Njia Za Kuondoa Tatizo La Kukosa Hamu Ya kufanya Tendo La Ndoa

    Hakuna dawa ya moja kwa moja toka hospitalini kwa sasa hivi kwa ajili ya kuondoa tatizo hili, hata hivyo wanawake wengi wanaweza kurudi kwenye hali zao za kawaida kwa kushirikiana na waume zao waelewa. Jaribu kufanya mambo tuliyoyadokeza katika mada yetu ya “Mwanamme Kukosa hamu Ya Kufanya Tendo La Ndoa” ukisaidiana na mumeo. Unahitaji kuchunguza taratibu na kwa kina chanzo cha tatizo lako, na taratibu lifanyie kazi kwa msaada wa mume wako.
    Katika nchi zilizoendelea, kila siku wamekuwa wakija na dawa na vifaa vipya vya kuondoa tatizo hili na vingi bado ni vya bei kubwa na/au vinapatikana kwa shida. Vipo ambavyo vimeonyesha mafanikio makubwa, mifano ya vitu hivyo ni Suction Vibrators, Desire Creams na Erection Drugs.
    Unaweza kupata mafanikio makubwa  (wasomaji wangu wengi wamefanikiwa na kunishukuru) kwa kutumia chakula kinachosaidia kuongeza hamu au kwa kutengeneza na kutumia viagra asilia. Hivi nimevielezea hapa chini. Kama hivi bado havijakusaidia, nashauri utumie virutubisho vya mwili ambavyo husamabazwa na makampuni mbalimbali. Vipo vinavyofanya kazi kwa haraka na kutibu kabisa tatizo hili. Endapo umepata tatizo kutambua virutubisho vizuri vya kutumia, wasiliana nasi kwa kutumia njia yo yote iliyo rahisi kwako kati  ya  hizi nilizoziorodhesha chini ya ukurasa huu.

    Chakula Cha Kuongeza Hamu Ya Mapenzi

    Utafiti umeonyesha pasi shaka kuwa kuna uhusiano mkubwa kati ya chakula tunachokula na afya ya viungo vya uzazi. Baadhi ya chakula na virutubisho vimehusishwa na hamu ya kufanya mapenzi (nyege). Vitubisho ndani ya chakula ambavyo vinasaidia hali hiyo ni antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium na zinc. Kirutubisho cha zinc kinaongeza mbegu kwa mwanamme (sperm count) hivyo humsaidia kuongeza hamu ya kufanya tendo la ndoa. Chakula cho chote chenye virutubisho hivi vikiliwa humfanya mlaji asikie hamu ya kufanya mapenzi au kwa maneno ya mtaani, chakula hiki kinasaidia kuongeza nyege. Baadhi ya chakula cha kuongeza nyege ni:
    Tikitimaji-Hili linachukuliwa kuwa ndilo tunda bora katika kuboresha afya ya mapenzi. Tunda hili lina asilimia 92 ya maji na asilimia 8 zinazobakia zina phytonutrient citrulline ambayo hugeuzwa kuwa arginine. Arginine ni amino acid ambayo hufanya mishipa ya damu kuwa kwenye hali ya ubora wake na kusadia damu kupita vizuri zaidi. Tikitimaji kwa hiyo husaidia damu ifike kwa kiwango kizuri zaidi kwenye sehemu ambazo hutakiwa kutanuka wakati mtu akipata hisia za kufanya tendo la ndoa ambazo ni viungo vya ndani ya kisimi cha mwanamke na ndani ya uume wa mwanamme.
    chakula cha kuongeza nyege
    Strawberries– matunda haya yana antioxidants kwa kusaidia afya ya moyo na mishipa ya damu (arteri) na vitamin C ambayo huongeza kiwango cha mbegu kwa mwanamme.
    matunda ya kuleta nyege
    Pombe-glasi moja ya mvinyo hukufanya uwe na akili tulivu. Pombe kwa kiwango kikubwa huleta kinyume cha matarajio na kuondoa kabisa hamu ya mapenzi.
    Avocadro-tunda hili lina vitamini E ambayo ni antioxidant. Ndani ya tunda hili kuna potassium na vitamini B6 ambavyo huboresha afya ya moyo na kusaidia mzunguko wa damu.
    matunda ya kusidia hamu ya mapenzi
    Viazi vitamu-hivi vina potassium ambayo husaidia kuondoa tatizo la high-blood pressure.
    viazi huleta nyege
    Chakula kingine katika kundi hili ni broccoli (picha hapa chini), karafuu, mayai na tangawizi.
    mboga kwa kusaidia kuleta nyege
    Kuna mchanganyiko wa matunda ukisagwa pamoja na kunywewa umeonyesha kuongeza hamu ya kufanya mapenzi au kuongeza nyege. Nilionyesha namna mbili za kutengeneneza mchanganyiko huo na nikauita “Viagra asilia.” Nitaongeza mchanganyiko wa tatu wenye matunda mengi zaidi ili uweze kuchagua ule utakaoona ni rahisi zaidi kuutengeneza.

    Jinsi Ya Kutengeneza Viagra Ya Asili

    Kusanya matunda kama yanavyoonyeshwa kwenye video hii hapa chini, saga kwa pamoja katika blender na kisha kunywa glasi moja ya mchanganyiko huo. Hakuna kipimo kamili cha kutumia, lakini ukipata glasi tatu kwa siku utapata mabadiliko ya kutosha kabisa. Wapo watu wengi waliofuata ushauri huu, wakanipigia simu kuwa hali zao zimekuwa nzuri sana baada ya kutumia kinywaji hiki. Jaribu kisha nipe matokeo.
    Kama umeshindwa kupata matunda yote kwa kutengeneza viagra hii asilia, nenda ukurasa wa “Mwanamme Kukosa Hamu Ya Kufanya Tendo La Ndoa” ambamo nimeelezea viagra asilia ya matunda mawili tu, tikiti maji na limau.
    viagra ya asili ya matunda
    Kama una swali lolote au maoni yako kuhusiana na mada hiyo hapo juu, usisite kutuandikia. Pia usisite kuomba ushauri zaidi pale ulipojaribu njia hizi ukakwama mahali.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ladies Take Note! If Your Man Has These 10 Qualities, Don't Ever Lose Him To Anyone.

It may prove difficult to find a great guy in our contemporary world but there are indeed great guys and they have these traits below in them.

Here's a list of 10 universal good-guy qualities that can help get you started.

1. He's kind to everyone

Not just you on your best day but you on your worst. Same goes for the waiter who brought the wrong appetizer, his coworkers, his family (and yours), and pretty much everyone. Someone who is genuinely kind spreads kindness wherever he goes.

2. He's genuinely happy

A happy person is not only a healthy person but also someone who is optimistic and fulfilled. Who wouldn't love a life with someone like that?

3. He loves you

Yeah, I know, duh. But I mean the real you. Not just the way you look or the things you do for him or the fact that you are conveniently 4 inches shorter, also love staying in on Friday nights, and get along with his family.

He must love the unique things about you, like how you're always 30 minutes late to everything, how you put exactly three lemons in all your drinks, the long-winded way you tell a story, or how you always need the toilet paper roll so that the top flap faces down.

4. He takes care of you

5. He makes you smile

When you're with him, and when you think about him.

6. You can be yourself around him

No matter how much you might be into someone, it's never going to be real until you can let down your guard around him.

7. He's the only one you fantasize about

8. He spends like you

A guy who's on board to make your fantasy tour-de-France vacation a reality? Fantastic. A guy who then complains about every dollar you want to spend on said trip? No bien.

If springing for the good rosé and staying in a schmance hotel is your idea of fun, you need a guy that gets it. Money is the root of a lot of relationship issues, so being on the same page about spending is crucial.

9. He doesn't put up with your crap

Whether it's yelling instead of talking, being passive-aggressive when you're upset, or some sort of family/work issue you're taking out on him. He knows your patterns and not only talks to you about them kindly but offers support when and where you need it.

Someone who can see you to your very core, accepts your flaws, and only wants to help you be a better person? That's love.

10. He puts you first

When it comes down to it, you are the No. 1 most important person in his life, and there are no questions about that.

If his friends want to do a guy's weekend in Vegas, he says no because he's got a good thing going with you, doesn't want to get into trouble, and knows it will mean missing that concert you really want to go to. And if his mom hates the wallpaper you chose for your first apartment together, you'll never find out, because he tells her if you're happy, he's happy, and that's the end of it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

One of The Best Heart Touching Message - Must Read.

It was their anniversary, and Aisha was waiting for her husband Rajiv to show up. Things had changed since their marriage, the once cute couple couldn't-live-without-each-other had turned bitter.
Fighting over every little things, both didn't like the way things had changed.
Aisha was waiting to see if Rajiv remembered it was their anniversary!
Just as the door bell rang she ran to find her husband wet and smiling with a bunch of flowers in his hand.
The two started re-living the old days. Making up for fights, then was d plan for champagne, light music And it was raining outside! It was perfect.
But the moment paused when the phone in the bedroom rang.
Aisha went to pick it up and it was a man. "Hello ma'am I'm calling from the police station. Is this Mr Rajiv Mehra's number?"
"Yes it is!"
"I'm sorry ma'am; but there was an accident and a man died.
We got this number from his wallet; we need you to come and identify his body."
Aisha's heart sank.!!! She was shocked!
But my husband is here with me?"
"Sorry ma'am, but the incident took place at 2 pm, when he was boarding the train."
Aisha was about to lose her conscience.
How could this happen?!
She had heard about the soul of the person coming to meet a loved one before it leaves!
She ran into the other room.
He was not there. It was true! He had left her for good!!
Oh God she would have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She rolled on the floor in pain. She lost her chance! Forever!
Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Rajiv came out and said "Darling, I forgot to tell you my wallet got stolen today".
Its the last quarter of the year so let's start making amends.
To parents
To siblings
To friends
And many more.
No one is promised tomorrow. Have a wonderful Life with no regrets!
This has to be one of the best message!!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Why Rich Men Marry Kikuyu Women Only-Shocking.

After Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore married a Kikuyu lady, several women from other tribes took to social media to pour their frustrations, while others called Wambui Kamiru a “gold digger”. But there are underlying factors that make Kikuyu women attractive to rich men.
They don’t play hard to get when they are sure a man is rich.
Kikuyu women play smart, unlike Kisii, Kamba, Luhya,Luo and Kalenjin women. Instead of playing hard to get, they play smart. Once they spot the opportunity, they make sure they behave-even faking some behaviours that attract rich men-so as to bait the man.These women know what they want, they can go miles pleasing the man until they get what they want.
They know where the rich guys spend their time
Unlike other women who spend their time at Muthurwa market, gikomba,taj mall,Rongai and Kawangware chewing sugarcane..Kikuyu women spend time at Sankara, Villa Rosa Kempinksi and posh areas where the rich guys are found mostly.
While other tribes like Luhya, Kisii, Luo, Maasai and Kamba love Nigerian movies, Kikuyu women know what kind of movies rich men watch. If the man invites such a lady to his house, she will choose and carry the best movies for him, thus attracting the attention of the guy.
Kikuyu women always attend events where CEOs and top leadership are in attendance.They mingle and exchange contacts, when other tribes are attending Gor Mahia match at City Stadium.
Kikuyu men are beautiful and modern
What makes Kikuyu women more attractive to wealth men is their ability to equip themselves with latest fashion trends in the world. They know clothes that are attractive to rich men, and actually spend money buying the same.
You will also agree with me that no tribe in Kenya beats the Kikuyu in terms of beauty. And am sure you are aware beauty acts as a magnet between a thirst man and a willing woman. Even an ugly Kikuyu woman will try hard, even bleach, to ensure she is attractive to a rich guy.
They know how to treat women-before marriage
Before she is married, you won’t know the true character of a Kikuyu woman. She will make sure you know all her strengths, but also make sure she hides her insecurities. The man will end up thinking he is marrying an angel…
She rarely tells her competitors she is dating a rich man.
One stupid things women from other tribes do is revealing to other women the kind of a man she is dating. Kikuyu women don’t make such mistake because she knows the man can leave her for her friends. Who knew Wambui Kamiru was dating bob Collymore?

Kenyan Tribes Whose Women are Good in Bed.

There is nothing disappointing to a man when you realize that your woman is boring in bed. Though there are several tribes in Kenya whose women are horrible in bed, there are some 5 tribes that set the record in bed.
 Luo Women
Luo women have cut a niche for themselves. These women are the undisputed queens of bedroom matters. Once you have a Luo woman, even for 30 minutes, you will never desire to have another tribe.
But one disappointing thing about the tribe is that even if you satisfy her today, she will steal cheat tomorrow.
Luo women scream a lot during the act-even the neighbor will notice something is happening.
Kamba Women
We all agree that more than 50 % of Kamba women cheat even in marriage. The main reason why they cheat is that their men are weak in bed.
A Kamba lady has so much fat in her body (tell me if you have ever met a skinny Kamba lady unless she is emaciated) which makes demand a man day in day out. It is rare for a Kamba lady to stay for a week without asking for it.If the husband is not around, she will get it elsewhere.
Kamba women know all the styles and they will always make the man happy, even make him empty his pocket even without being asked for money.
Luhya women
Just like Luo women, Luhya women are very good in bed. You can experiment if you wish.
Taita Women
Taita women are not only beautiful, but also extremely sweet. If she gives you once, you will come begging again.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Love sayings: Romantic Love Story in short.

A boy was dating a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, "I don't ever want to see you again."

A few months later, the girl had a change of heart. She realized that she loved the boy who was really sweet, so she went back and said to him, "Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again in my whole life."

But the boy just laughed and said to her, "Only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much."

The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, "...and you know I am one of those fools."

Thursday, June 16, 2016

True and heart touching love story

Once there was a boy and girl fall in love after conversation with mobile. They are not met each other. One day the girl asked the boy that she wants meet her. The boy was so eager to meet her and he took auto from his office and went to meet her. He bought dairy milk with him for her. Then the girl asked him to come to near to her home. It was very difficult task for the boy who was unknown in that town but the boy went without any second thought meet his dear one. Then he reached his destination. He asked his girl which place I should come. I am near to your home. The girl just went top of her roof and asked the boy to come near that street. The boy went and talking with her over phone. 

Then the boy asked her to come out near that street but the girl denied and said my mother and aunt are in home they may catch me. Please I will meet you some other day. Now you have to go. But the boy asked him willfully please come across the street I want to see you. Then the girl came near to him and the boy sees there. However he likes her so much and gives her the chocolate. Then the girl just talking with him may be in walking mode. 

Then the girl asked how are you and how did you came here? And after got the feedback she went her home and while she going to her home said that I love you so much. How cute you are. Why you love me I am not beautiful and you look handsome and cute. The boy said I don’t care how you look what you were? I only love you and yours heart. 

Moral: I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, how we look .... No matter what culture we're from.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Cute Love Story.

touching love story:
One night a guy and a girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on.
A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note.
At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out & read it. "Without your love, I would die."

Friday, June 10, 2016

True and cute love story.

Once there was a girl staying in a small village. She is a school teacher. Once her sister’s marriage fixed and she went to her sister’s engaged party. In the mean time she met a boy and he is known to her sister’s husband. The boy asked her excuse me; can you show me your mother please? She took him to her mother and her mother and that boy had some conversation. After some moment she feel something and she started liked him. The party was over and they went their own destination.

The boy also falls in love with that girl in her first look. He got the girls phone number from his friend. One day he proposed her and the girl said please give some time to think about this, because my sister’s marriage will be held on soon. Ok take your own time I am waiting for you said the boy. The girl said to her sister about this everything. Her sister said doesn’t fall in love with that boy. But the girl likes him, so she accepts him without her sister’s knowledge. This proposal goes for marriage. But the girl’s family didn’t agree with this proposal. But they were happy each other. One day everything collapsed. The girl was suffering from typhoid and she lost her hair. In the mean time she got some skin infection. She was taking much medicine and also treated by the Ayurvedic medicine. There was no result for hair. But she got her glowing skin.
In the mean time the girl’s family brought so many marriage proposals for her. The girl said no I don’t want to marry now. I want to study. She said lie to her family because she loves him so much and waiting for his job. She told her boy friend everything. The boy said don’t worry I am always with you. I will marry you soon. They continue each other some days. But after some days the boy started avoiding her and not even attend her call, didn’t even send a reply to her sms. The girl wants to meet him for the last time but he didn’t. The girl cried a lot. She is still waiting for him. But the boy goes away from her and never come back.

Moral: We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. It’s true that the perfect lover isn’t out there; it’s about creating the perfect love with the person that you care about most. The belief that someone is out there that is perfect for you is based on a false premise. You are the creator of your world, so you don’t need to seek them out, you are creating things in your own reality, and that is true about the love of your life just as much as anything else. So get busy today creating the perfect love in your life. Don’t wait for the one who gives you false promise.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Shamsa: Napenda Sana ‘Chupi’ za Mtumba....

Licha ya baadhi ya mastaa kudai wanavaa nguo spesheli tu, tena zile zilizofungwa kwenye nailoni, staa wa filamu Bongo Shamsa Ford amefunguka kuwa, yeye huwa anapendelea kuvaa nguo za mitumba zikiwemo nguo za ndani ‘makufuli’.

shamsaAkizungumzia nguo anazopenda kuvaa, mdada huyo ambaye ni mama wa mtoto mmoja aitwaye Terry alisema, kuna mtu huwa anampelekea nguo ‘classic’ za mitumba na anachagua zile zinazomfaa, ananunua na kuzivaa.

“Niseme tu ukweli kwamba, napenda sana nguo za mtumba, hata makufuli. Huwa nanunua, nazifua na kuziweka ‘sopusopu’ kisha navaa, sioni shida katika hilo,” alisema Shamsa.

Serikali iliwahi kupiga marufuku uuzwaji wa nguo za mitumba za ndani kama vile makufuli, brazia na soksi lakini bado nguo hizo zimekuwa ni kimbilio kwa watu wengi wakidai zina ubora na ni za kijanja zaidi.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reliable Love story .

There was a girl and a boy.
Girl: We Are Best Friends, Right? 
Boy: Yes, Of Course.
Girl: So Be Honest With Me, Who Do You Like?

Boy: No One. I Love Someone.
Girl: Oh, She Must Be Very Lucky..
Boy: Definitely. I've Loved Her,
Ever Since I Met Her.
Girl: Really? Well, Since We're Best Friends,
I Wanna Meet Her. Go Call Her. 
Boy: Oh Okay.
Boy Takes Out His Phone,Dials Her number And Phones Her... 
Girl: Wait, Hold On I Think I'm Getting A Call. 
Answers The Phone
Boy: I Love You... 

How cute is it?? 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Beautiful True Love Story .

One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love.
But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy.
So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughter’s hand.

But there was another problem: The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year. The week before he left, the man knelt on his knee and asked his lady love, “Will you marry me?” She wiped a tear, said yes, and they were engaged. They agreed that when he got back in one year, they would get married.

But tragedy struck. A few days after he left, the girl had a major vehicular accident. It was a head-on collision.
When she woke up in the hospital, she saw her father and mother crying. Immediately, she knew there was something wrong.
She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damaged. Her once lovely face was now disfigured. She cried as she saw herself in the mirror. “Yesterday, I was beautiful. Today, I’m a monster.” Her body was also covered with so many ugly wounds.

Right there and then, she decided to release her fiancĂ© from their promise. She knew he wouldn’t want her anymore. She would forget about him and never see him again.

For one year, the soldier wrote many letters—but she wouldn’t answer. He phoned her many times but she wouldn’t return her calls.
But after one year, the mother walked into her room and announced, “He’s back from the war.”

The girl shouted, “No! Please don’t tell him about me. Don’t tell him I’m here!”
The mother said, “He’s getting married,” and handed her a wedding invitation.
The girl’s heart sank. She knew she still loved him—but she had to forget him now.

With great sadness, she opened the wedding invitation.
And then she saw her name on it!
Confused, she asked, “What is this?”
That was when the young man entered her room with a bouquet of flowers. He knelt beside her and asked, “Will you marry me?”

The girl covered her face with her hands and said, “I’m ugly!”
The man said, “Without your permission, your mother sent me your photos. When I saw your photos, I realized that nothing has changed. You’re still the person I fell in love. You’re still as beautiful as ever. Because I love you!”

Friday, April 22, 2016

Wanasayansi Wana Jibu Hili Tendo la Ndoa Hudumu Kwa Muda Gani? Wanasayansi Wana Jibu Hili SWALI.

Ni muda gani tendo la ndoa (ama nalisema kiheshima sana?) Au niseme ni muda gani watu wanaofanya mapenzi hutumia kumaliza?

Na sasa wanasayansi wamekuja na jibu halisi kuwa kitendo cha ngono hudumu kwa dakika 5.4.
Wanasayansi hawa wanazungumzia ule muda ambao mwanaume na mwanamke huwa tendoni na kufikia kileleni, bila kuweka muda wanaotumia kushikana, kubusiana au kuchezeana.

Wanasayansi hao walifanya utafiti kwa couple 500 na kuwaweka stop watch pale tu kitendo kinapoanza hadi pale mwanaume anapoutua mzigo. Utafiti huo ulibaini kuwa kitendo hicho hudumu popote kuanzia sekunde 33 na 44 huku muda wa wastani ukiwa dakika 5.4.

Monday, April 18, 2016

love story to tell your girlfriend .

There were two lovers. They always were staying together. The boy lost his parents so he was so happy with the girl’s parents. They decided to marry soon. One day everything got collapsed. They went to the hospital and Dr said that it needs the heart surgery. The heart of that girl should be transplant else it will be harmful for her life. No other operation can give her successful life. Both cried a lot. The boy holds her tight and said don’t worry my heart is always yours. I am always with you.

Then the operation date was fixed. They went to the hospital for operation. Then girl said: I'm having my operation now. Don’t leave me alone. I Love You so much. The girl lies on operation bed. His boy friend stands there with watery eyes, without saying that I love you too. The operation theater was closed. All of the girls parent waiting outside of that operation theater. Girl finishes heart transplant. The family came inside to meet the girl. The boy was not there. Girl: Nurse! Where is he? I want to meet him now. Mom where is he? Where he went? Why he didn’t came to see me. They all remain silent. She asked the doctor. Dr. Where is he? He remains silent too. She repeatedly asked to the nurse. Then the nurse Says: They didn't tell you who's heart they gave you? Did they?

Nurse handed over a note to the girl’s hand, Girls Read the Note
"I told you it was yours".

Sweet love story .

The Boy & The Girl Were Online Chatting ♥♥
Boy: So..Have You Ever Been In Love?
Girl: Of Course, I Mean Love Is So Hard, You Know
Boy: How Is It Hard?
Girl: Well, When You Love Someone,
Sometimes They
Just Don’t Love You Back.
Boy: Is That What Your Feeling Right Now?
Girl: Haha No [She Lied]
Boy: Ohh..Well, I Gotta Go Bye [He Lied]
Girl: Okay Bye
[The Boy Signed Off, but He Really Didn’t Sign
Off, He was offline,
But the Girl Thought He Really Did Sign Off]
Girl: [She Sighed & One Tear Went Down On
Her Face..
But Then She Typed]…I Love You ..
Boy: [Then The Boy Typed] I Love You,Too

Saturday, April 16, 2016

cute stories to tell your girlfriend .

A girl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked him if he would cry if she walked away, he said "No". She had heard enough; she needed to leave.
As she walked away he grabbed her arm and told her to stay. He said "You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don`t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die."
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