Friday, April 22, 2016

Wanasayansi Wana Jibu Hili Tendo la Ndoa Hudumu Kwa Muda Gani? Wanasayansi Wana Jibu Hili SWALI.

Ni muda gani tendo la ndoa (ama nalisema kiheshima sana?) Au niseme ni muda gani watu wanaofanya mapenzi hutumia kumaliza?

Na sasa wanasayansi wamekuja na jibu halisi kuwa kitendo cha ngono hudumu kwa dakika 5.4.
Wanasayansi hawa wanazungumzia ule muda ambao mwanaume na mwanamke huwa tendoni na kufikia kileleni, bila kuweka muda wanaotumia kushikana, kubusiana au kuchezeana.

Wanasayansi hao walifanya utafiti kwa couple 500 na kuwaweka stop watch pale tu kitendo kinapoanza hadi pale mwanaume anapoutua mzigo. Utafiti huo ulibaini kuwa kitendo hicho hudumu popote kuanzia sekunde 33 na 44 huku muda wa wastani ukiwa dakika 5.4.

Monday, April 18, 2016

love story to tell your girlfriend .

There were two lovers. They always were staying together. The boy lost his parents so he was so happy with the girl’s parents. They decided to marry soon. One day everything got collapsed. They went to the hospital and Dr said that it needs the heart surgery. The heart of that girl should be transplant else it will be harmful for her life. No other operation can give her successful life. Both cried a lot. The boy holds her tight and said don’t worry my heart is always yours. I am always with you.

Then the operation date was fixed. They went to the hospital for operation. Then girl said: I'm having my operation now. Don’t leave me alone. I Love You so much. The girl lies on operation bed. His boy friend stands there with watery eyes, without saying that I love you too. The operation theater was closed. All of the girls parent waiting outside of that operation theater. Girl finishes heart transplant. The family came inside to meet the girl. The boy was not there. Girl: Nurse! Where is he? I want to meet him now. Mom where is he? Where he went? Why he didn’t came to see me. They all remain silent. She asked the doctor. Dr. Where is he? He remains silent too. She repeatedly asked to the nurse. Then the nurse Says: They didn't tell you who's heart they gave you? Did they?

Nurse handed over a note to the girl’s hand, Girls Read the Note
"I told you it was yours".

Sweet love story .

The Boy & The Girl Were Online Chatting ♥♥
Boy: So..Have You Ever Been In Love?
Girl: Of Course, I Mean Love Is So Hard, You Know
Boy: How Is It Hard?
Girl: Well, When You Love Someone,
Sometimes They
Just Don’t Love You Back.
Boy: Is That What Your Feeling Right Now?
Girl: Haha No [She Lied]
Boy: Ohh..Well, I Gotta Go Bye [He Lied]
Girl: Okay Bye
[The Boy Signed Off, but He Really Didn’t Sign
Off, He was offline,
But the Girl Thought He Really Did Sign Off]
Girl: [She Sighed & One Tear Went Down On
Her Face..
But Then She Typed]…I Love You ..
Boy: [Then The Boy Typed] I Love You,Too

Saturday, April 16, 2016

cute stories to tell your girlfriend .

A girl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked him if he would cry if she walked away, he said "No". She had heard enough; she needed to leave.
As she walked away he grabbed her arm and told her to stay. He said "You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don`t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die."
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